Build Success Through My Leadership Experience

Lienhart Leadership Consulting provides business and personal coaching, financial and fund-raising advice, assistance with all dimensions of business and personal planning, and governance support related to all aspects of setting up a Company with a US/North Carolina headquarters and legal structure.

Brad Lienhart, Founder of Lienhart Leadership Consulting has been directly involved over the last 27 years at the C Level and through funding, in starting 30 new companies with headquarters in North Carolina.

In addition, I Co-founded EntreDot and between 2008 and 2018 EntreDot has been involved in the mentoring and structured training of over 800 North Carolina Main Street business startups. LLC brings experience and practice to the startup and small business management world. “There is probably no business question we haven’t experienced and answered during these 27 years”.

“What are the keys to a successful, satisfying career and life?   How does one plan for an entire life when one does not really know where they will end up?  These are the questions that Brad Lienhart ponders on as he reflects on his on ~55- year Engineering and Business Journey.  These keys include planning and then working the plan while not being afraid to take risks when new opportunities occur.

I met Brad while coaching a graduate engineering design course.  An aspect of this course was introducing students to successful people who told of their own Career journeys and lessons learned.   Brad brought a unique way of thinking by using a common analogy, 18 holes of golf/18 holes of life, for understanding how to approach life and career that spoke to and appealed to my own life and career.

If you are like me, you, too, will benefit from Brad’s own insight into a well-lived productive life by reading 5 AT A TIME.”

Preston Linn

Scientist and A Startup Entrepreneur, First Flight Venture Center

Learn More About My

Book “5 AT A TIME”

I recently had my softback book published by AMAZON: the title is 5 AT A TIME.  5 AT A TIME is a self-help guide for personal planning of life and career 5 years at a time.  5 AT A TIME is also a motivational and training tool for businesses to use to get leadership teams and employees on board with the importance of planning, and the integration of personal planning with career planning. 

LLC Consulting Services

Coaching (or mentoring), self-help planning, leadership development, and process mapping form the four corners of a solid business management system. The same four cornerstone elements create a solid personal management system. The benefits of a business or a person can be measured by:

  1. Increased efficiency
  2. Reduced risk
  3. Maximum utilization of available time and resources
  4. Accelerated growth
  5. Solid and complete achievement (hopefully overachievement) of planned objectives

Accelerate Your Growth

See Brad Lienhart’s experience and how he can help your company achieve success by leveraging his decades of business leadership experience. Click below. 

“E’s” in Leadership

“E’s” in Leadership

Takeaways from this Blog: 1. Though 5 AT A TIME is an excellent method for career planning, it is also about personal growth. 2. Your fulfillment as a human being isn’t just about material security...

read more

“From a young age I can remember seeing how dedicated and hard-working my father was. All throughout my young adult life, it seems like my father was always talking to me about my goals over the next 3-5 years and what it takes to achieve them. As a teenager I may not have completely understood the value of using smaller chunks of time to properly scope my goals, but as an adult, I find myself relying on this lesson in my professional and personal life. After college, I had the benefit of working side-by-side with my father in several startup businesses. While both of our professional obligations varied, the one thing I can remember is how successful my father was because he used the skills and strategies that he outlines in his book to set long-term and short-term goals for the business. My father and I may not work together today, but we remain very close, and yes, even before putting his book together, he constantly pushed me to structure my personal and professional goals 5 years at a time. I am certain that once you’ve taken time to read this book, you’ll gain the same insights that I did, but more importantly, I am sure you will find this book to be an enjoyable read as your start your own journey.”

Sara Baker

National Channel Manager, Cardinal Peak Technologies

Lienhart Consulting

Phone: 919-522-0722
Office Address: 1520 Juliette Way Suit 3208 Cedar Park, TX 78613

Contact Brad Today

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