My New Book
Is Now Available on Amazon!
“Living your life 5 YEARS AT A TIME can greatly improve your ROL (return on life) and you will live a healthier life with less stress.” – Brad Lienhart

I lot of people have trouble with planning because it’s just so complicated and hard to get it right.
I try to help you think that through and try to make it fun. We know Life and Career paths follow an “S Curve”—there are peaks and valleys, good times and bad times, great moments of happiness and certainly a few moments of heartbreak, problems and challenges, but through it all we have to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and start climbing again.
The “S Curve” gets even more challenging when you have a spouse, children, and possibly other members of the family to think about and care for. All the more reason to CHUNK this process into manageable 5-year increments so you can build confidence and momentum one Hole after of the other. I will be happy to share some simple planning techniques to make all the pieces fall into place and to make this exercise FUN.
Setting goals leads to the beginning of an improved ROL
To Readers of 5 AT A TIME, my Leadership Self-Help Guide to planning Life and Career 5-years at a time.
I am Brad Lienhart and I would like to offer my services to help you start planning Life and Career 5-years at a time regardless of which of the 18 Holes of Life you read the book.
I just finished Hole #15 and I am about to start Hole #16.
The process and techniques I touch on in 5 AT A TIME can apply to you, to you and your spouse, to your family members, to a business you own and operate, and to a group or function in a larger organization. I can tailor my services from a free consultation to a modestly priced consulting arrangement that might be event stages or continue on a regular schedule for several months.
Just reach out to me at lienhartb@yahoo.com for an appointment. – Brad Lienhart
I have been working on 5 YEARS AT A TIME for five years and now we are finally ready to publish our little book on planning life and career 5 YEARS AT A TIME. Recently If you live to be 90 (a high percentage of people alive today, we hit that landmark) and you divide that into 5 YEAR increments you have the 18 Holes of Life (thus the analogy to the 18 holes in a round of golf). Living your life 5 YEARS AT A TIME can greatly improve your ROL (return on life) and you will live a healthier life with less stress. I am just starting hole » 16 and as I outlined in the book. I have pretty much lived my life according to plan 5 YEARS AT A TIME. Ideally you start this planning process in hole » 4 or 5 but it is never to late to start improving your ROL.
Recently I met a young man who just starting hole « 5 and I was discussing the concept and benefits of 5 YEARS AT A TIME. He said “this is such an interesting concept and really gives me some food for thought since I have been wondering what I was going to do in the next 30 years, never mind the next 60 years” I said “lay it out on a piece of paper, have fun with it. You can and will make lots of changes, but it is like a road map to give you some focus while at the same time reducing your stress level, just think of all the things you can accomplish in your next 12 holes of life”. Eduardo definitely wants a copy of 5 YEARS AT A TIME and will be a great ambassador.

“Brad Lienhart’s 5 AT A TIME provides an excellent road map for making goals achievable. Goals without a plan are just dreams and that seemed to be my only option, to just dream. As a mother of 3 who works full time as a dentist, achieving my goals in entrepreneurship seemed too difficult to accomplish until I started planning things 5 AT A TIME!”
“I’ve known Brad Lienhart for years. As a Business and Executive Coach, I work with young(er) leaders to help them develop planning skills that they can use in their careers and personal lives. 5 AT A TIME is a timely tool to help them drive their careers.”
“Over the years Brad has been my friend, partner, and mentor. I’ve witnessed Brad’s positive impact on the lives of entrepreneurs at many stages of the business journey. He genuinely cares about the people he helps and how their dream scales. His impactful and no-nonsense approach delivers people a clear path to success. I’ve never met a more connected and likable guy that can have his fingers on the pulse of the business culture and network of any city within a week. I am certain the knowledge in this book will benefit you for decades to come.”
Lienhart Consulting
Phone: 919-522-0722
Email: lienhartb@yahoo.com
Office Address: 1520 Juliette Way Suit 3208 Cedar Park, TX 78613